I can’t even begin to think of how much money this might save, besides sparing so many women from the messy business of infusions, temporary or semi-permanent IV catheters, prophylactic or sometimes urgent antibiotics, Neulasta injections, anti-nausea drugs, cardiac tests and then some occasional deaths in treatment from infection, bleeding or, later on, from late effects on the heart or not-so-rare secondary malignancies like leukemia. And hairpieces; we could see a dramatic decline in women with scarves and wigs.
Posted in Breast Cancer, cancer treatment, Communication, Diagnosis, Empowered Patient, health care costs, Informed Consent, Pathology, Patient AutonomyTagged adjuvant chemotherapy, Breast Cancer, early-stage breast cancer, empowered patient, health care costs, medical tests, oncology, Oncotype Dx, Pathology